Category Archives: relations

family and friends

Liv @ 4 months

This month we started baby swimming, lots of fun for everyone. The instructor is a wacky Portugese woman and the first day we made the mistake of standing next to her in the pool, she then proceeded to demonstrate all sorts of stuff with Liv as her audience participant! We were a little nervous but Liv didn’t seem to mind. There’s also another baby at the pool named Kaspar, very annoying makes me turn around every time they call him 🙂

We also visited Alsace for the first time with Liv, and she got to meet a lot of babies/young children. Here she is with Chloe, also 4 months.

Liv@ 3 months

Its amazing how alert Liv is at 3 months. She looks at everything around her, especially when she is in a new place. There was a lot of travel this month, summer holidays in Bergen with family again, cabin. Meeting grandpappa for the first time. At some point she decided napping wasn’t cool anymore so now we need to watch closely for signs of tiredness and put her to bed. She is often upset at this but staying up definitely makes here cranky. And cranky babies (much like adults) are no fun.

Speaking of no fun, this month Liv got her first vaccinations. It was a traumatic experience for all 3 of us. I had to hold Liv and she cried, really howled for a few minutes. No wonder, the needles looked adult-size. Fortunately she didn’t have any serious reactions to the shots. I read about 5% of parents are not getting shots anymore, and the nurse told us we didn’t have to get them, but I think it’s a good insurance.

In happier news Schnoupinette got an activity mat this month, she likes it a lot, and amuses herself for a while on it every day. Plus she spends more time on her back or stomach, which is good for her. There`s a bird, a cat that meuws and plays a tune, a ladybug, and more.

Liv@2 months

Hello World! I’m going to get ya! Seems like time is passing weirdly fast, Liv is already much bigger, livelier, more smiles, still crying, saving her poops for many days before releasing a huge batch, more baths, another trip to Bergen, to the cabin, seemingly enjoying the adventure.

Overnight Delivery


Miss Liv Marie Strømme – 6hrs young

As we settled for dinner last night little did we know our lives were about to change. 3,5 weeks early Sabine`s waters broke and off we went to the hospital. At 3:03 AM this small miracle emerged. She weighs a decent 2.75kg, is 47cm tall, and seems content with the outside world.

Den store overraskelsen (2005)

Ja, det var mye spenning på gang denne helgen, vi annonserte våre bryllupsplaner til nærmeste familie. Det var vel ikke helt uventet i og med vi har holdt koken i snart 6 år nå, men jeg tror vi fremdeles klarte å overraske litt. Snøballen har begynt å rulle.